the matured fruit is called ' soshi ' and are used in treatment for cough , bronchial asthma , constipation and so on . また熟した果実を「蘇子」(そし)といい、咳嗽、気管支喘息、便秘などの治療に用いる。
the matured fruit is called ' soshi ' and are used in treatment for cough , bronchial asthma , constipation and so on . また熟した果実を「蘇子」(そし)といい、咳嗽、気管支喘息、便秘などの治療に用いる。
their temperature is relatively high and they are effective for pimples , oily skin , skin diseases , rheumatism , bronchial asthma and women ' s diseases . 概して高温で、ニキビ、オイリー肌、皮膚病、リウマチ、気管支喘息、婦人病などの症状に効果がある。
their temperature is relatively high and they are effective for pimples , oily skin , skin diseases , rheumatism , bronchial asthma and women ' s diseases . 概して高温で、ニキビ、オイリー肌、皮膚病、リウマチ、気管支喘息、婦人病などの症状に効果がある。
respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; usually of allergic origin Synonyms: asthma, asthma attack,